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[游戏资讯] 三星电子杯WCG2008大赛反恐项目规则

Leya 发表于 2008-10-13 10:53:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  反恐精英 (Counter-Strike)

  1. 游戏版本 : Half-Life: Counter-Strike v 1.6

  2. 总则

  (a) 比赛方法 : 5 vs 5 (Team Play, 5 players per team)

  (b) 回合 : 30 Rounds (Max rounds format)

  每队 15 回合恐怖分子, 15 回合反恐精英

  (c) 每回合时间 : 1 分 45 秒

  (d) 开始时以猜币方式决定角色,胜者可以优先选择上半场的角色。

  (e) 胜利条件 : 以分数和取胜回合数为准

  (f) 如果发生平局,将加赛 6 回合;每队恐怖分子与反恐精英各 3 回合 ( 加时赛起始金钱为 10000) 。

  (g) 如果再次平局,如 (f) 所述,再加 6 局,直至决出胜负。

  (h) 正式地图 : De_Dust2, De_Inferno, De_Nuke, De_Train

  (i) 只有队长在 2 个赛段中可以使用公共游戏短信 ( 短信模式 1) 。当 “ 死亡 ” 后,规则依然适用。其他队员如使用公共游戏短信将被判犯规。比赛时,其他队员只允许使用队内游戏短信。

  (j) 队员之间 “ 活着 ” 和 “ 死亡 ” 队员可以口头联络。

  (k) 如果因为非故意和不可预料的原因使所有队员不能比赛,比如服务器停止工作,该回合比分将被取消,最终结果加赛一回合。

  - 如果有超过 2 名队员因非故意原因造成断线,该回合比赛将被取消。下一回合比赛在服务器暂停中确认所有队员进入服务器后进行。

  ※ 当有故意断线行为发生时,如果当事选手对判罚持有异义,他 / 她可以在赛后提出抗议,裁判可以决定终止比赛,处罚犯规队。

  (l) 检查员必须记录比赛进程

  (m) 所有选手必须使用 GUI 程序装备

  (n) 每个回合核准手榴弹数量

  (1) Flashbangs 闪光弹 : 2

  (2) HE Grenades HE 手榴弹 : 1

  (3) Smoke Grenades 烟雾弹 : 1

  (o) 核准控制命令

  (1) Sensitivity 敏感度

  (2) Fast Weapon Switch 快速武器按钮

  (3) Adjust_crosshair 调节 crosshair

  (4) m_filter 1/0

  (5) 一个使用者可使用 Activate In Game VGUI 命令 ( 如: left hand, adjust_crosshairetc)

  - 允许多种同时使用武器或队友短信

  - 必须使用默认皮肤。

  - 不允许在比赛中使用盾牌。

  - 允许在 De_dust2 和 De_inferno 中将投掷类武器 ( 闪光弹、手榴弹、烟雾弹 ) 超越地图高度使用。

  - 分辨率可以在视频驱动器中被更改。

  ? 静音 C4 为禁止使用的 Bug 当值裁判将根据情节对使用该 Bug 的对于给予警告或判其输掉此后所有局数。

  ? 任何使用 Flash Bug 的队伍将被判处警告或判负的处罚。

  3. 比赛服务器设置

  ? mp_autokick 0 mp_autocrosshair 0

  ? mp_autoteambalance 0 mp_buytime 0.25

  ? mp_consistency 1 mp_c4timer 35

  ? mp_fadetoblack 1 mp_flashlight 1

  ? mp_forcechasecam 2 mp_forcecamera 2

  ? mp_footsteps 1 mp_freezetime 15

  ? mp_friendlyfire 1 mp_hostagepenalty 0

  ? mp_limitteams 10 mp_logecho 1

  ? mp_logde tai l 3 mp_logfile 1

  ? mp_logmessages 1 mp_maxrounds 0

  ? mp_playerid 1 mp_roundtime 1.75

  ? mp_timelimit 0 mp_tkpunish 0

  ? sv_aim 0 sv_airaccelerate 10

  ? sv_airmove 1 sv_allowdownload 0

  ? sv_allowupload 0 sv_alltalk 0

  ? sv_cheats 0 sv_clienttrace 1

  ? sv_clipmode 0 sv_friction 4

  ? sv_gravity 800 sv_lan_rate 25000

  ? sv_maxrate 25000 sv_maxspeed 320

  ? sv_maxunlag 0.5 sv_maxupdaterate 101

  ? sv_minupdaterate 101 sv_minrate 25000

  ? sv_proxies 1 sv_send_logos 1

  ? sv_send_resources 1 sv_stepsize 18

  ? sv_stopspeed 75 sv_unlag 1

  ? sv_voiceenable 1 sv_unlagsamples 1

  ? sv_unlagpush 0 sys_ticrate 10000

  ? allow_spectators 1 decalfrequency 60

  ? edgefriction 2 host_framerate 0

  ? log on pausable 1

  4. 客户端允许的设定值

  ? cl_updaterate 101 cl_cmdrate 101

  ? rate 25000 m_filter 1/0

  ? hud_fastswitch 1/0 zoom_sensitivity_ratio

  ? fps_max 101 cl_dynamiccrosshair 1/0

  ? gamma 1/3 brightness 1/3

  ? cl_minmodels 1/0 cl_shadows 1/0

  5. 不允许修改的选项(必须使用默认值)

  ? cl_weather mp_corpse_stay

  ? mp_decals max_ shell s

  ? max_smokepuffs fastsprites

  ? ex_interp 0.01

  6. 犯规及处罚

  - 使用非默认模式 / 外壳 ( 包括武器外壳 )

  - 使用非默认地图结构

  - 所有欺骗程序

  - 使用地图 BUG

  7. 如果比赛发生断线

  (a) 如果由于非故意不可抗原因造成断线使所有选手不能比赛:

  * 第三回合开始前:重新开始

  * 第三回合开始后:当局比赛结果将不被承认,并再加赛一局。

  (b) 如果不超过 2 个选手因非故意及不可抗原因断线,当时比赛回合结果将被忽略。下一回合服务器管理员选择暂停,当所有断线选手连接确认后进行。所有断线选手的金钱数将回位到 800 。

  (c) 如果发生故意断线行为,裁判员将视情况终止比赛,并判违规队失败。

  (D) 选手受到两次警告后将失去比赛资格。

  8. 此项目取决于以下方面予以修正:

  (a) 使用各正式比赛最新版本 / 发布的补充部分;

  (b) 游戏设置及有必要按要求更新版本 / 发布的内容;

  (c) 防伪程序发布和 / 或防伪功能;

  (d) 游戏设置和 / 或运作指南中,在线和离线比赛的区别。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| Leya 发表于 2008-10-13 10:53:42 | 显示全部楼层
Half-Life.: Counter-Strike. 1.6

. Game Version: Counter-Strike: 1.6
. German version of the game will be used at the GF
. Operation System: Windows Vista (Service Pack 1)
. USK(German software rating): Age 16+
. Anyone born after Nov.6th, 1992 will not be allowed entry to the GF
. Due to strict gaming laws in Germany, participants who do not meet the USK age
restrictions will not be allowed entry to the Grand Final under any circumstances.
However, SP may allow underage players to compete in the National
Championships at their discretion.
. General
. Competition Method : 5 vs. 5 (Team Play, 5 players per team)
. The first team to win 16 rounds wins the match.
. Extra rounds will be played until the winner is decided
. WCG may install third party program and/or join as an observer for tournament
operations purposes, such as verifying match results or gathering match data
. General Game Setting
. Rounds: 30 Rounds (Max rounds format): 15 rounds as Terrorists and 15 rounds as
Counter-Terrorists per team (If a team scores 16 rounds first, the match is ended
. Victory Condition: The first team to win 16 rounds.
. Round Time: 1 minute 45 seconds.
. Counter-Strike, Terrorist will be announced before the match or decided by coin
. In the case of a tie after regulation, 6 extra rounds will be played.
. (3 rounds as Terrorists / 3 rounds as Counter-Terrorists per team)
. Extra Round restart money: $10,000
. In the case of a re-tie after 6 extra rounds as stated above, 6 more extra rounds will
be played until the tie is broken.
. Official Maps: De_Dust2, De_Inferno, De_Nuke, De_Train

(* Each map may be modified by the WCG committee. Players will be informed
before the tournament of any such modifications)

. Only team leaders are allowed to use public in-game messages (messagemode1)
within a match. The rule also applies when dead. Use of messagemode1 by any
member other than the team leader shall result in a warning. Other team members
must only use team message (messagemode2), while in a match.
. Coach can coach the players from behind the team during freeze time. If Coach
continues to talk to the players after the freeze time has ended, the team will be
given a warning or lose by forfeit at the sole discretion of the referee.
. Coach must go outside the tournament area if Referee asks him/her to leave.
. The Server Master will be record the process of the match.
. Approved Grenade Amounts Per Round
1) Flashbangs: 2
2) Grenades: 1
3) Smoke Grenades: 1
. Approved Commands
1) Adjust_crosshair
2) Left Hand
3) A user can use Activate In-Game-VGUI Command
. Default skins must be used.
. Any other use of map or program bugs can result in a warning at the minimum or
loss by default for the offending team after deliberation and decision by the board
of referees at its sole discretion.
. The gamma rate can be changed in the video graphic driver.
. Tournament Server Settings
. mp_autokick 0 mp_autocrosshair 0
. mp_autoteambalance 0 mp_buytime 0.25
. mp_consistency 1 mp_c4timer 35
. mp_fadetoblack 1 mp_flashlight 1
. mp_forcechasecam 2 mp_forcecamera 2
. mp_footsteps 1 mp_freezetime 15
. mp_friendlyfire 1 mp_hostagepenalty 0
. mp_limitteams 10 mp_logecho 1
. mp_logdetail 3 mp_logfile 1
. mp_logmessages 1 mp_maxrounds 0

. mp_playerid 1 mp_roundtime 1.75
. mp_timelimit 0 mp_tkpunish 0
. sv_aim 0 sv_airaccelerate 10
. sv_airmove 1 sv_allowdownload 0
. sv_allowupload 0 sv_alltalk 0
. sv_cheats 0 sv_clienttrace 1
. sv_clipmode 0 sv_friction 4
. sv_gravity 800 sv_lan_rate 25000
. sv_maxrate 25000 sv_maxspeed 320
. sv_maxunlag 0.5 sv_maxupdaterate 101
. sv_minupdaterate 101 sv_minrate 25000
. sv_proxies 1 sv_send_logos 1
. sv_send_resources 1 sv_stepsize 18
. sv_stopspeed 75 sv_unlag 1
. sv_voiceenable 1 sv_unlagsamples 1
. sv_unlagpush 0 sys_ticrate 10000
. allow_spectators 1 decalfrequency 60
. edgefriction 2 host_framerate 0
. log on pausable 0
. Allowed Setting Values for Client
. cl_updaterate 101 cl_cmdrate 101
. rate 25000 m_filter 1/0
. hud_fastswitch 1/0 zoom_sensitivity_ratio
. fps_max 101 cl_dynamiccrosshair 1/0
. gamma 1/3 brightness 1/3
. cl_minmodels 1/0 cl_shadows 1/0
. Players Must be use WCG2008 CS GUI
. Following Client Settings May Not Be Changed (Must use the default values)
. cl_weather mp_corpse_stay
. mp_decals max_shells
. max_smokepuffs fastsprites
. ex_interp 0.01 for LAN (0.1 for Online)
. Unfair Practices Subject to Penalty
. Team members may communicate verbally if they are alive in the match or when all

team members are dead.
. The player is deemed dead when the screen is completely faded to black. If a bug
occurs and the screen doesn’t fade to black, the player is deemed dead three
seconds after he/she has fallen.
. Any player who has died cannot communicate by ANY means (No gesture or
verbal communication will be allowed) with any other team member or opponent
until the beginning of the next round.
. If a player continues to communicate after he/she is killed, the team may be given a
warning or lose by default at the referee’s sole discretion.
. Boosting (stepping on top of own team player) is allowed in play.
. Binding Duck to scroll wheel is not allowed.
. C4 must be installed at a viewable location. Installing C4 at a location where a
boost is required is allowed.
. Silent C4 installation is considered bug play. Such an offense may result in a
warning or loss of all remaining TR rounds at the sole discretion of the board of
. Throwing grenades over buildings in all maps are allowed.
. Any use of the flash bang bug will result in a warning at the minimum or loss by
default for the offending team.
. Use of personal model/skins (includes weapon skins)
. Use of personal map texture
. All cheat programs
. Use of map bugs in play (e.g. map swimming, auto aim, etc.)
. Use of unfair but available scripts (e.g. silentrun, attack+use, centerview script,
norecoil script, etc.)
. The server master can and will check for the use of any unfair practice or script,
even those not listed above, during each match.
. If referee decides that external conditions (Press, Team Leader, Player, Spectator,
etc) give unfair advantage to a player, the team may be given a warning or lose by
default at the referee’s sole discretion.
. If a problem occurs with flash bang bug, the referee reviews the demo file and the
offending team loses the round. The match continues normally.
. HLTV Proxy will join the game servers for Tournament Broadcast
. To test for HLTV flash bugs, players must follow the directions of the server master
and/or the referees.
. If disconnection occurs during a match

. If all the players cannot play due to an unintended, unforeseen accident such as
server stoppage,
- Before the 3rd round starts: restart the match
- After the 3rd round starts: Disconnected player must re-connect to the server.
The round is continued unpausing, and if the disconnected player cannot
connect to the server, all players must wait during the freeze time after the
round until the disconnected player connects to the server. At this time, the
match may continue by unpausing. (Not a restart)
. If up to 3 of all players are unintentionally disconnected: The score for that round is
discarded. The game is paused after the round during the freeze time, and all
players wait until the disconnected players are connected to the server. When all
players are connected, the match may continue by unpausing the game.
. In the case of intentional disconnection, the referee may decide to end the match
with the offending team losing by forfeit.
. Protests can only be filed by the team leader (ie: a player that represents the team)
- If a player does not agree to any rules, he/she can express his/her protest to a
referee before the completion of a match. Any intentional refusal to connect to
the match server can result in a default loss for that team with the decision to
be made at the sole discretion of the referee.
. If a rematch is decided by the head referee, the team that does not follow this
decision will be subject to disqualification.
. These rules are for the WCG 2008 National Championship and are subject to
modification in the following aspects.
. Use of most recent patch/version release of each official game within WCG
committee’s own discretion.
. Changes to in-game settings and options necessitated by the use of most recent
patch version/release
. Cheat Protection Program release and/or cheat protection functions
. Game settings and/or operations guidelines dictated by differences between online
and LAN Tournaments

使用道具 举报

Jack 发表于 2008-10-13 19:52:19 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

Melo 发表于 2008-10-17 00:27:08 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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